Sign up for "Free Fridays" – our complimentary MasterClass focused on marketing strategies!πŸ‘‡

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If Your Coaching Business Feels More Like a Passion Project than a Profitable Career, it's Time to Up Your Game.

Coach Marketing MasterClass starts every Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific!

The Coach Marketing MasterClass can transform your coaching passion into a successful business!

Sign up NOW for Our Next MasterClass and Receive $497 Worth of Training for FREE

Pay Attention:

If Your Coaching Business Feels More Like a Passion Project than a Profitable Career, it's Time to Up Your Game.

Coach Marketing Mastery can transform your coaching passion into a successful business!

Coach Marketing MasterClass every Friday, at 10:00 AM Pacific!

πŸš€ Crack the Code to a Booming Coaching Business with Coach Marketing Mastery


Join us for a 6-week program covering everything from legalities to crafting compelling headlines. Elevate your coaching game and scale your business!

  •  Build a captivating online presence
  • Slash the learning curve and master the art of marketing
  • Streamline your booking process

You possess an extraordinary gift, yet it remains unseen and unheard by the ones who need your services the most. Your ideal clients simply cannot find you.

It's a common trap - being the best-kept secret. You're a skilled coach, but without effective marketing, your exceptional talents fade into obscurity.

This is the dilemma many face.

But what if we told you there's a way to turn those lukewarm tire-kickers into your most fanatical followers?

In CMM (Coach Marketing Mastery) India and Shoan will reveal how to supercharge your online visibility, flipping casual browsers into a hardcore fanbase.πŸ‘‡

Join our FREE MasterClass Now!

Do your marketing efforts feel like you're sending signals into space, only to be met with a chorus of crickets?


If you answered "yes", don't just walkβ€”run to secure your spot in this program.

By joining us in the Free Fridays MasterClass, this simply means you're interested, not committed. It's a no-pressure first step, but don't hesitate.

With limited slots available, we're focused on delivering personalized, impactful coaching. Delay, and you might miss out, left to regret landing yourself on a dreaded waitlist!

Coach Marketing MasterClass isn't your average, run-of-the-mill Zoom session filled with grumbles and gripes about the coaching business.

This is where the rubber meets the road, where we dive headfirst into the nitty-gritty, proven strategies that will catapult your business to new heights.

India's and Shoan's collective experience comes from the front lines of entrepreneurship and coaching.

This is the real deal, the secret sauce, the playbook we all wish we had when we were the new "coach on the block", brimming with naive optimism AND the misguided belief that 'if we build it, they will come.'

It's painfully clear that without the right marketing tactics, simply building it isn't enough; they definitely won't come.

When would NOW be a good time?

Let's light a fire under your ambitions and kick-start your coaching career!

This isn't about dipping your toes; it's about diving headfirst into creation, construction, and scaling BIG. The clock's tickingβ€”now's your shot!

We Start Friday, March 8th, 2024 at 10:00am Pacific

Sign up TODAY for this Friday's MasterClass!

Hey, it's Shoan & India,

We help coaching businesses just like yours flourish.

And we're here to build an unstoppable community, a network of coaches and their teams, all soaring to new heights together.

It's about sparking that growth – not just a little, but in a big way that boosts your visibility and skyrockets your sales.

Feeling like you're just handing out your genius for peanuts? Then it's high time to revolutionize your game plan.

That's where we come in.

We're here to arm you with the kind of guerrilla marketing strategies you didn't even know existed – the game-changing secrets, the insider knowledge meant to empower you and utterly revolutionize your business.

Our mission?

To transform your labor of love into the hottest ticket in town, complete with a waiting list as long as your arm.

How epic would that be?


  • Week 1: Foundation Building
  • Week 2: Elevator Pitch and Branding
  • Week 3: Marketing Basics
  • Week 4: Building Your Online Presence
  • Week 5: Sales Funnels and Conversion
  • Week 6: Scaling and Business Growth

Want to go deeper into each week?

Join now and learn about future opportunities with India and Shoan

Here's What You Can Expect in the MasterClass

βœ… Onboarding Techniques

βœ… Free Software to Use Immediately

βœ… Branding Strategies That Stand Out

βœ… Time-Saving Methods for Content Creation

βœ… Understand the Client's Journey

βœ… Setting Realistic Goals

Once You Complete This MasterClass You'll Have the Tools and Knowledge to Launch a Profitable Coaching Business

Some of you will be chomping at the bit to get started ASAP and then there will be others that need time to digest the firehose of info.

And the more "seasoned" entrepreneurs will want to batten down the hatches before you start driving paid traffic.

Others will need a little nudge, and the entire community will be available for you to give you that extra push and champion you into the arena.

We are always available as your mentor, coach, and support when it comes to all things coaching. - India Kern

Here's what we know about building solid foundations and the Customer Journey.
When we do anything on our own we struggle harder and longer than we have to. It is almost like a self-punishing act because we don't know any better.

This is why we believe in coaching. We spent over 40k on coaching in 2019 and that is because we KNOW it works.

Listen, a lot of people think we're super smart, and we ALL are, but if you knew how much time we have invested in coaching, you would laugh.

We can strategize and develop coaching businesses like a gifted architect, yet we also understand the VALUE of coaching and that's why we have coaches too. We can pass all of this invested time over to you, so you don't have to do it!

β€œWe both share common goals in healing and well-being at a global level. Shoan has helped me grow Spiritually, financially, and in my business as well as my personal relationships. More people need to engage with Shoans trainings – quite amazing!”

- Paul Shepard

"Shoan Snoday is one of those rare marketers that will not only find the diamonds in your database, he will help you convert them as well. You know those people that have been on the fence and just haven't made "the move".

Shoans systems and processes are designed to bring stubborn prospects to the top of your sales pipeline, get them in your fulfillment campaign so you can get more referrals!”

- Connie Graf

β€œIndia is magnetizing with her energy, support and guidance. She gives clients so much information and support, one comes away feeling empowered, and full of so many tools and resources. Her passion and commitment to helping everyone is incredible!"

- Laura Gordon

LIVE, We Start every Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific

Register Now!
Let's Get You in the MasterClass!